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2023 NJ Nonprofit Conference - December 2 & 3, 2023 

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Check out our shadowrocket节点购买 reviewing the benefits of membership with the Center for Non-Profits.


The Center for Non-Profits is the only umbrella organization for all New Jersey 501(c)(3)s. Since 1982, the Center has provided advocacy, resources, training and information to strengthen non-profits and help them thrive. Learn more about how the Center:

  • Saves non-profits time and money.
  • Provides timely resources and training.
  • Promotes and protects the non-profit community.

Webinar: Voter Engagement in a Pandemic - How Your Non-Profit Can Help

Rapid Response Coronavirus Impact Surveys
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand. 

THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our third COVID-19 survey, conducted in partnership with the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers (CNJG), and shared how the coronavirus is affecting your organizations.

The most recent report shows the results of the third round surveying New Jersey non-profits on the impacts of COVID-19. All reports and supporting materials can be found in the links below.

  3rd Report -ssr节点购买网址 - view web briefing
  2nd Report - April 2023
  1st Report - March 2023 - view web briefing and press release

And remember to visit our Covid-19 Resource Page.

Going Forward: Best Practices and Considerations for Non-Profit Reopening 咨询一个LEDE使用SS的问题 - OPENWRT专版 - 恩山无线 ...:2021-2-18 · 影梭我没用过,我装的是S-S R,你点在影梭上把图贴上来看看,应该是只要将节点添加上去,其他默认,之后保存并启用就可伍了 详情 回复 发表于 2021-2-18 22:14
Going Forward: Best Practices and Considerations for Non-Profit Reopening

The Center has partnered on a new guide that we hope will make the reopening process a little easier. This FREE compilation guide covers many factors you may want to consider, such as workplace safety, human resource issues and more, with plenty of links to more detailed information. It will be updated periodically as circumstances warrant.
Full Report      Webinar Overview     Slides

Visit our COVID-19 Resource Page
COVID-19 Magnified Image of Virus Message to Governor Murphy, legislative leaders:
Include non-profits in your
COVID-19 relief
Read our statement

NJ Non-Profit Community Letter to Congress about COVID-19 relief needs
Read the community letter
NEW FUNDING enacted for federal stimulus package. Read an updated summary and a  comparison of major loan options.

Recording and slides available
COVID-19 and Government Assistance for Non-Profits
a web briefing presented 4/9/2023 by the office of
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in partnership with the Center for Non-Profits

Remarks by Senator Booker, and presentations by the
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the
NJ EconomicDevelopment Authority
 View the recording         
Download the slide deck

Covid-19 and Non-Profits
The Center for Non-Profits on 'State of Affairs with Steve Adubato'
April 17, 2023


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Census 2023 is HERE! Complete yours today.
Census 2023 Logo  

Want to bring more resources to New Jersey?
Fill out your 2023 Census and spread the word.

Vital policy and budget decisions, from billions of dollars in funding for infrastructure, public safety, social programs to the number of Congressional Representatives and electoral votes assigned to each state and much more, are based on Census data. The data collected as part of Census 2023 will have real impact on New Jersey and the non-profit community for shadowrocket节点购买. Learn moreabout what you and your organization can do to ensure a complete count..

2023 Annual Survey Report The State of New Jersey's Non-Profit Community: 2023 Trends and Outlook Report

Press Release      永久免费ss节点二维码      Web Briefing
The New Jersey Non-Profits 2023: Trends and Outlook survey tracks prior year funding and expenses, non-profits' outlook for the coming year and actions taken by non-profits to address trends. Gain new insights about how non-profits are faring and the implications of these trends on the ability of organizations to provide needed programs and services. This information can aid in your planning efforts and your communications with funders, policy makers and the media.

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New Jersey Non-Profit Diversity Report

The Center recently released and hosted a web briefing on the New Jersey Non-Profit Diversity Report, highlighting in stark terms the racial and gender bias in New Jersey non-profits and the challenges that need to be addressed. This report is one step in our broader commitment to promote and support diversity, equity and inclusion in the non-profit community.

View Press Release     View Full Report     Additional Resources

View Web Briefing


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2023 New Jersey Non-Propfit Compensation and Beneits Report CoverThe Center for Non-Profits has released the results of its survey of New Jersey non-profits. This comprehensive report is the only one focusing exclusively on the compensation of New Jersey non-profit employees. It includes a deep look into the salaries, health and other insurance coverages, paid time off, and other benefits in addition to characteristics and demographics of non-profit staffs and boards.

Data was collected from 204 respondent organizations of varying sizes and missions, exclusively from New Jersey 501(c)(3) non-profits, and cover 4,007 employees (2,918 full-time) in 71 staff positions. Findings for each position are also broken out by organizational budget size, ranging from under $200,000 a year to over $20 million.

 Compensation Report Pricing:
$95 for Center for Non-Profits members



Also available (FREE): The New Jersey Non-Profit Diversity Report


Many changes affecting New Jersey non-profits have recently passed or are in the works in Trenton or Washington, DC. Check out our current public policy tracker or select any specific issue listed below.
Nationwide New Jersey
Universal  Federal Charitable Deduction Legislation State Charitable Deduction Legislation Advances
Nonprofit Nonpartisanship Employment Law Changes
Non-Profit Transportation Taxes Bill Would Fix Unintended Impact of NJ Transportation Benefit Mandate
Universal Charitable Deduction Legislation IRS' Final Rules Prohibit NJ's SALT Workaround Framework
2023 Census   NJ "Dark Money" Bill and Charitable Non-Profits (analysis coming soon)


Celebrate Non-Profits!

How is YOUR life better because of a non-profit?

Help END the Overhead Myth!
The Center for Non-Profits and the Council of NJ Grantmakers are joining forces to ask you to 技术原创]部署自用影梭(Shadowsocks)节点,着重介绍安装 ...:2021-3-23 · 技术原创部署自用影梭Shadowsocks节点,着重介绍安装及优化本帖被valen執行加亮操作20210312Shadowsocks中文名称影梭是使用Python等语言开发的,中国毛织是一个致力于伍毛织制造为中心,涵盖整个供应链条的知识社区在本社区你可伍获取最新毛织 ... - the misguided notion that the percentage of expenses spent on administration and overhead should be the sole criterion for judging the merits of a charity.
Learn more and spread the word!

Tips for Making Informed Giving Decisions

An overview of some of the factors to consider when considering giving to charity.  Feel free to share with your board members, donors and others.  Read the article.

Proud Member of the National Council of Nonprofits

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